AML Solutions for Neobanks

AML compliance is easier than ever for the Neobanks

Trusted by Over 300 Clients


The future of Banks: Neobanks

Neobanks are bridging the gap between the services offered by traditional banks and the changing expectations of customers in the digital age. Neobanks are financial institutions that don't have any physical branches. They provide services traditional banks don't.

ongoing monitoring

Customer Onboarding Process

Neobanks have to fulfill their AML and KYC obligations during the customer account opening processes. Neobanks can see the risks customers bring during the account opening process using an AML Control Program that has more than 3000 Global Sanctions lists, PEPs lists, and Adverse Media Data that are updated every 15 minutes.

full data coverage

Sanctions and Watchlist Data

Structured real-time sanction data

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PEP Data

PEP Data

Categorized PEP data

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Dynamic Rules and Scenarios

Dynamic Rules and Scenarios

Create rules specific to your risk level

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Screening and Monitoring

Neobanks can scan and control operations individually or collectively with options such as Name, Identity, and Passport number with our AML Name Screening Software that includes Sanctions, PEP lists and Adverse Media Data.


Transaction Monitoring Software for Neobanks

Neobanks can monitor transactions customers make in real-time to detect high-risk and suspicious transactions with our AML Transaction Monitoring software. Suspicious transactions can be stopped and recorded for investigation. Thus, reducing false positives and workload.

Reach out us

Easily integrate Sanction Scanner into your project with API in hours.

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powerful api

Powerful API for AML Solutions

Neobanks can easily integrate our products into their project. Webhook-powered API supports all the features of our AML Solutions. In addition, Webhook can provide two-way data transfer between Sanction Scanner and your project.